Summer white and red lips #OOTD

As the summer progresses, my will to wear trousers or god forbid jeans seems to be diminishing. I literally can’t bear the thought of putting on pants, as funny as that sounds. Well thats why I believe maxi dresses and flowy skirts were invented. On this particular day I knew I would be spending a lot of time in the hot sun, so it seemed like the perfect day to wear this linen maxi dress that just screams summer to me.


Flats were a must for all the walking around I did that day.  Though my original plan was to wear some black strappy tie ups, I eventually ended up wearing these mules which honestly are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned. And of course I couldn’t resist adding red lipstick for some color.



Maxi dress & flats – Street Style Store, Bag – Ebay, Lipstick – Ruby Woo from MAC, Shades – FabAlley, Thumb ring – Forever21



It seems like we’ve been on an all white phase lately as Anisha also recently did a post on an all white ensemble. If you’re a fan of white outfits you need to check that out! Hope everyone is having a great summer 🙂



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